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Health And Safety


The Company recognises that it has a responsibility, so far as it is reasonably practicable, to prevent injury and damage to the health of its employees during their employment and shall employ best practicable means to ensure current activities cause no detriment to the environment. To this end, every reasonable effort, including: both physical and financial commitment will be deployed to provide safe and healthy working conditions and to prevent dangerous occurrences, fire and any other damage. To achieve this, the co-operation of all managers and employees is essential.


The company will ensure that best practice prevails and is aware that planning and continual improvement of Safe Systems of Work is paramount. To ensure the effectiveness of the Policy, it will be reviewed at least annually and amended when legal compliance dictates; these amendments will be brought to the attention of all employees and sub-contractors.


Everyone is expected to work in such a way that accidents and damage to health to themselves and others are avoided. At no time should you ever intentionally, deliberately or recklessly disregard Health and Safety best practice or interfere with any Health and Safety measures in place. A breach of Health and Safety regulations may result in disciplinary action against you.

The attention of all employees is drawn to Section 7 of “Health and Safety at Work Act 1974” which states:

It shall be the duty of every employee while at work:

  • To take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of him/herself and of other persons who may be affected by his or her acts or omissions at work; and

  • As regards any duty or requirement imposed on his/her employer, or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with.

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The Health and Safety Organisation is under overall control of the Director who is directly responsible for the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy. The nominated director with responsibility for managing health, safety and welfare matters is Mr. A Mumby.


Communications to the Company on matters appertaining to Safety and Health etc. will be through Supervisors and appointed Health and Safety Representatives to the Company.


The management of the Company will provide every employee with the training necessary to carry out their tasks safely. However, if an employee is unsure how to perform a certain task, or feels it would be dangerous to perform a specific job, then it is the employee’s duty to report this to their Manager. An effective Health and Safety programme requires continuous communication between workers at all levels. It is therefore every worker’s responsibility to cease work and report immediately, any situation which could jeopardise the well being of themselves or any other person.

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